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ELEM: Technology by Ms. Eda

#ELEM: Technology by Ms. Eda | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The 5-year-old students are getting exposed to different tools and activities to help them improve eye-hand coordination and motor skills.

The 6-years-old students learned how to make a photo collage using Befunky. They did a photo collection representing Albania. They will continue learning about the technology resources using story jumper to create and illustrate a simple eBook.

The 7-years-old students are learning about the technology recourses such as different programs to do photo collage or video editor. They have made their first video representing the differences and similarities of the digital and real world. They have started their eBooks on Story Jumper. This allows them to use the previous knowledge in writing and illustrating a book.

The 8-year-old- students have finished their 3rd unit-Word processing with eBooks written and illustrated by them. During this unit they strengthen their typing and writing skills.

The 9-year-old students are learning fundamental programming skills using Scratch. They are creating animations and games using block codes.

The 10-year-old students are developing their programing skills, think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. They are learning and using Snap Circuits.

The AP Computer Science A students are wrapping up their knowledge in the Recursion unit.






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